Study Guide for Evolution Test – Lovrien biology
Define Evolution:
Darwin didn’t invent evolution, he proposed Natural Selection in his book On the Origin of Species. Be able to list and explain the three steps of natural selection:
Be able to complete halflife problems. If you start with 1000 units of U-238 and only 250 units remain, how old is the object (halflife 710 million years).
If the halflife of C-14 is 6000 years and 12% of a sample remains, how old is the sample?
Be able to explain why evolutionists find the following lines of evidence as supporting Theory of Evolution:
Comparative Anatomy:
Comparative Embryology:
Comparative BioChemistry (amino acids and DNA):
Explain how the case of peppered moths support natural selection:
Be able to define the following terms: population, niche, speciation, homologous structure, vestigial structure, natural selection, artificial selection.
Explain how Darwin’s theory differed from the theory proposed by Lamarck.
* 2 HL x 710 M = 1420 M years
* 3 HL x 6000 = 18,000 years