Syllabus Assignment Name:_______________________________


Please read over the syllabus with a parent/guardian. You are expected to know the basic rules of my classroom. Read over the course expectations and complete the following questions:


When is assigned work due?


What is the rule on extra credit?



What is the rule on late work?


From the options below, circle all options that are considered cheating:

a) copying lab answers, even from a lab partner.

b) "clip-n-paste" on a computer without providing full sources.

c) looking at and copying another student’s answers.

Notes, study guides, assignments, links, my email address, photos, a copy of the syllabus and more can be found at my website. List my web address:


If you don’t want to be tardy, where should you be when the bell rings?


Once the above questions are answered correctly, explain the basic rules to your parent/guardian. Sign the sheet to acknowledge that you understand the rules and return it by Monday - you will earn 12 points. If it isn’t in by the beginning of class on Monday, you earn your first zero – so get it done and start off the year with 12 easy points!!!

Student - If you understand the above rules, sign here:___________________________

Parent/Guardian – After your student has explained the above rules,

please sign here:____________________________________