AP Review, Ecology

In our textbook, this unit includes the following chapters 51 - 54. If it is in the notes or chapter, it is fair game (not the detailed vocabulary in chapter or the equations associated with populations).  Generally, the big ideas were covered in class, so concentrate on notes and study guide the night before the test.  The following is an outline of big ideas but is not meant to include everything on the test!  Below is an outline of the main ideas of each chapter:

Chapter 51: Animal Behavior

Know the following terms: imprinting, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, habituation, latent learning, insight learning, pheromones, fixed action pattern, altruism.   Possible short answer topics:  what causes animal behavior?, does altruism make sense in terms of evolution?, what is kin selection?  what is inclusive fitness?

Chapter 52: Introduction to Ecology: Population Ecology

Know the following terms: Population, community, population density, population distribution, exponential growth, logistic growth, J-shaped vs S-shaped curves, carrying capacity, limiting factors, biotic vs abiotic, density-dependent vs density-independent controls, k- vs r- strategist.  Possible short answer topics:  Why must a J-shaped curve always become a S-shaped curve?  What is carrying capacity?

Understand the following figures, graphs, etc: Figures 52.3 52.8 and 52.15.Chapter 48: Community Interactions

Chapter 53:  Community Ecology

Know the following terms: habitat, niche, ecosystem, types of symbiosis (commensalisms, mutualism, neutral, interspecific competition, predation, parasitism), competitive exclusion, resource partitioning, primary versus secondary succession, fundamental vs. realized niche, mimicry.

Chapter 54: Ecosystems and the Biosphere

Know the following terms: primary producer, primary consumer, secondary, teriary, tropic levels, primary productivity (gross versus net), nature of energy flow, biological magnification, why a food pyrmid (energy loss per trophic level)?, major cycles: hydrologic, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, eutrophication, nitrogen fixation, carbon fixation, nitrification.

Understand the following figures: Figure 54.3 and 54.5 (source of energy and where does it all go), Figure 54.7, 54.8, 54.10 and 54.11 (cycles).