Answer the following questions, using quotes from the text. 


1. What is the evidence used by Pollan to support the idea that we are biologically omnivores?

2. Pollan suggests that we have lost our connection to food as we have lost our cultural diet. Does your family have any eating traditions? If you have a family dinner, what would be served? How often a month do you have a family dinner?

3. Do you think it ethical to eat animals? In all cases? The situation discussed in section I, with the sick animals in a feedlot, is this ethical?

4. Have you ever killed an animal that you ate? If not, do you think you would be able to?

5. "Eating's not a bad way to get to know a place." Do you know where you could find food grown in South Dakota? What are some benefits to being a localvore (eating food grown near you)?

6. "But image for a moment if we once again knew, strictly as a matter of course, these few remarkable things: What it is we're eating. Where it came from. How it found its way to our table. And what, in a true accounting, it really cost."

In this section, Pollan puts together his perfect meal. The meal is 'perfect' because he can answer all of the above questions. Create your own perfect meal, what you would serve, where the food came from, how it got to your plate and how that meal affects the ecology surrounding you.